Backyard Camping

Published on 10 February 2023 at 16:05

How often do you go camping? Don’t you ever crave that break from the big city, smog, and crowds of people? I know I do. I can hardly stand the hectic atmosphere of small towns sometimes. I like an occasional break from the madness. 

This is why my family and I enjoy an adventure with the great outdoors. Just the family, some simple camping supplies, plenty of food, and we’re good to go.

One of the greatest ways to make fun, enjoyable memories that will never fade is simply backyard camping! S'mores, roasted hot dogs, and marshmallows! There's no hassle of traveling, or trying to reserve a camp site. Maybe with your schedule, 1 night is all you have so why not set up in the backyard and enjoy the outdoors with your little ones! 

What are some must haves to ensure the best night out under the stars? Well, Let's start with the tent! I remember as a child, pretending our tent was my own little fortress! We would make up passwords to enter! Hide in sleeping bags to scare one another. We never had a care in the world, when the tent was set-up. 
The markets today are flooded with so many different options when it comes to tents, it can be hard to find one that's reliable, cost efficient, and easily put up and taken down. You can find one of my favorites by clicking here


Its a "6 person" dome tent. It will sleep 6 adults, but 3 or 4 persons can sleep comfortably! The best part of this tent is its low price, and ease of assembly! It is perfect for a quick camp set-up. 
Sleeping bags! Here's another big one, that has so many options. A lot of which, just don't seem to withstand the outdoors, or they're just not warm enough on a cool starry night. I recommend the soulout 3-4 season waterproof bag with compression sack. Which can be purchased by clicking here. It's comfortable, warm, lightweight, and reasonably priced! 
Now that we've covered the 2 essentials. Lets talk about some of the other often overlooked items that will ensure a fun night out with the family. 

Walkie Talkies! Yes, I know I'm talking backyard camping with walkie talkies... but these things can be so much more then communication devices in the wilderness. They're fun!!! A childs imagination is infinite, and walkie talkies just add to possibilities! A very low cost, option thats perfect for close range fun can be found here
Lights! Whether in the tent, just outside, or by the nearest tree we need to see once it's dark. A cool and fun way to do this is to simply hang small lights around the camp area. These little lights here are great for just that! 


A few more items that will definitely make your adventures more enjoyable are listed below: -Bug spray-Camp pillow-Chairs-Wet wipes-Cooler-S'mores -Sleeping mat-Drinks-Scary Stories-imagination -Family and Friends! 
Getting "away" from the hectic of life doesn't always require a week's vacation, or a lot of spare money! Sometimes it's the little things that make the best and most memorable memories. Even just a trip to the backyard! 


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